Jeff Pearce, Superintendent

Chad McManus, Assistant Superintendent

What We Do

The Department of Public Works provides essential services that are an integral part of our residents’ everyday lives. The delivery of our services is the key in maintaining and improving the quality of life for our residents and businesses.
Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of: the streets you drive on; the Street trees and landscape beds that beautify our Village; the water we drink; storm and wastewater sewer systems, snow and ice control; leaf collection, street sweeping; water main repairs; hydrant flushing and repairs; as well as refuse and recycling.

The Department of Public Works through shared services with the Hilton School District, Town of Parma and Hilton Fire Department, sharing a salt shed, fueling station, equipment and labor.

During emergency operations (ice storms, blizzards, flooding etc.) the Department works with law enforcement, fire dept. and other municipalities. Public Works is tasked with critical assignments to restore community services and safety in a timely manner.

The Department is committed to ensuring the Village’s infrastructure and fleet are properly maintained and enhanced. Working together, we will provide exceptional services to our residential and business community.

Departmental Overview

The Robert S. Elliot Municipal Facility at 50 Henry St. was funded by a federal grant of $695,000, and was dedicated in 1978. The Public Works building was expanded in 2010 to include office space a new break room and locker room expansion for men and women. The DPW has a yearly budget of 1.6 million dollars and employs 13 full-time workers.

The Department of Public Works is tasked with the operation, maintenance and repair of the Village’s infrastructure and fleet. The Public Works is responsible for our streets, landscaping, and traffic signage as well as fleet services, oversees, repair and maintenance of the water distribution system, wastewater and storm water systems, Refuse and Recycling. The Public Works also performs building maintenance activities at the Community Center, Jennejahn Lodge and public works facilities. Work tasks conducted include mechanical, electrical, and plumbing maintenance and repair as well. We are dedicated to working as a crew to ensure that our residential and business community receives the highest quality of services today and in the future.

The Public Works key services and programs include:

  • Brush Collection Program
  • Hydrant Flushing and Repairs
  • Leaf Collection Program
  • Pavement Marking
  • Refuse and Recycling Collection
  • Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Root control
  • Snow and Ice Control Operations
  • Storm Sewer and Inlet Cleaning
  • Stormwater (Storm Water)
  • Street lighting installation and repair
  • Street Resurfacing and Concrete Programs
  • Street tree Planting and maintenance Program
  • Traffic Sign Installation and Repair
  • Water Main and Valve Repairs
  • Water Quality Monitoring ( DOH)
  • Yard Waste collection

Jeff Pearce, Superintendent

The administrative office and garage for Public Works is located at 50 Henry Street. The Public Works is open 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please contact us at (585) 392-9632 if you have any questions or comments, or if you need assistance.

Village of Hilton, 59 Henry Street, Hilton, NY 14468
585-392-4144 . . Fax 585-392-5620

Department of Public Works hours -
Monday - Friday... 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

The Village Community Center, 59 Henry Street has been designated as a SafePlace location in the Hilton-Parma community.
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